Monday, April 26, 2010

Should We Stand Up For Others?

What are the consequences of ' just accepting the situation in which you find yourself [so] everything will be so much easier'? (Boyne 53)Bruno's father to Bruno.

Hitler got into power through lies, the main lie being “the Jews are the reason we lost the Great War”. Obviously that was not true. People were too scared to face Hitler with him having the military and the government on his side. They thought that if you went against him you would get killed immediately, which would most likely happen to you. Hitler also lied about what was happening to the Jews. He didn’t tell people that they were going to be starved and tortured and forced into labor. He only told the Germans that they were going to be killed and that Germany would become a perfect, blonde and blue-eyed nation.

There were various people (like the people of Le Chambon, a small town in France) who would protect the Jews and take care of the so that they would live a normal life where they weren’t hated by people. There were also some brave people who would break into the concentration camps and release some of the Jewish people. Other groups such as the White Rose Movement would publicly go against the Nazi’s and hand out flyers and protest against Hitler and the genocide.

Just accepting the situation does not make things easier because is watching people die better than dying yourself? If I had a Jewish friend at that time in Germany I wouldn’t let them die because the rest of the country says they are animals. Killing innocent humans because they are different doesn’t make you and more human and just accepting the situation doesn’t help because it doesn’t help you to have people who are almost exactly the same as you. Personally I wouldn’t let myself accept the situation whether it’s a live or death situation.


  1. I like your writing. But the ending sort of messed up. You had a few mistakes, like spelling, but most people have spelling mistakes. But other then that, it is really good.
